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September 20, 2006 , Day 41


Well, there is no real plan yet. Now my doctor wants me to get evaluated for whole body radiation. I will be visiting the Radiology/Oncology clinic on Friday for that evaluation. The last time I talked about this to my doctor he didn't want to do radiation. I think I need to do some research on whole body radiation. I don't know if I want to do that. Anyway, the current guess is that we will start the conditioning regime the first week of October. No specifics yet.

Tomorrow, Thursday, I have a dental appointment, which is part of the prep for the transplant. Before the transplant, they want any tooth problems that might pop up in the next year fixed. Tomorrow, I am supposed to leave the dentist with a teeth cleaning, and a certificate from the dentist that I am free of dental problems and good to go for a stem cell transplant. It is always amazing how all of the systems in the body interreact and have to be taken into account before the transplant is done.

I went in to my workplace this afternoon. It is on the second floor. It was a real challenge getting up the stairs! My legs felt very weak. I was breathing hard by the time I got to the top. I cleaned out my desk and visited with coworkers. It sure was good to see them. Getting down the stairs afterward was not quite as bad, but still challenging.

People ask about using my descriptions of things for their own purposes. The rule is, you can share my updates with anyone you want. I give you all permission to use my analogies or stories. No problem. One of the things I am trying to do is educate people about what I am going through. There are millions of others going through the same things, but people don't know about it, and don't understand it. The more my story is shared, the better, in my opinion. Past issues of my updates can be found on my web site. We are not quite up to date with that, but the updates go all the way back to 2003. If you have missed some, please feel free to browse my site to get caught up. We will make a greater effort to get the recent updates onto the web site.

No labs today.

Lab Results

Blood Cell Type

Normal Low





WBC 4.5 8.9 6.4 10.2 nr
RBC 4.3 3.45 3.22 3.41 nr
HGB 13.9 10.9 10.4 10.9 nr
PLT 130 170 256 310 nr

Until next time!

Menchie and Ted

Calendars , home