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September 06, 2006 , Day 27


It was another hard coughing night. It feels like it starts right after I get my 9pm medicines. The doctors are looking into that. In addition, they are cutting lots of meds out of my pill cocktail. I didn't have any fevers all night or through the day. I don't cough much during the day, so I catch some catnaps along the way. My breathing exercises continue to improve, a good sign the pneumonia is in retreat. An intern attempted his first bone marrow biopsy, supervised by a Fellow, this morning. Unfortunately they missed the area where the bone marrow is. I requested that an experienced team do another one today. I think I insulted the Fellow. He left at that point and never came back. Later in the day, I had a nice talk with the Intern. I think he will become a great doctor, some day. Anyway, I didn't get a biopsy today, so they will try again tomorrow. Still peeling almost everywhere.

Right after the Biopsy attempt, Menchie and I went for a short walk (2"H"). We repeated the effort in the evening after Menchie got back from getting the house ready. No transfusions required today.

I haven't had much inclination to write much more than the basics in these updates, but today I am feeling pretty good, so I thought I would discuss some of my philosophy of dealing with this. I always suggest to new patients I talk to that they celebrate their victories. Even the smallest things. For example, today I hit 3750 on my inspirometer twice. I haven't been able to do that for a couple of weeks since the pneumonia set in. I share many of these victories with you in these updates. I know I am daintily eating an elephant right now, but every bite is a victory, and a step toward the cure.

Speaking of victories, they are planning to discharge me tomorrow! Menchie spent half the day at home getting things fixed up and cleaned up for my arrival. They had actually talked about discharging me today, but that was a little to hard. They are still coordinating with the insurance company my IV antibiotic treatments at home.

On the medical front- WBC went way up again today. Another jump like that and I will be in the normal range. Also encouraging is a slight increase in HGB and in PLT without outside intervention. I seem to be developing a new rash. I hope that doesn't derail my homecoming.

Lab Results

Blood Cell Type

Normal Low





WBC 4.5 0.6 0.8 1.7 3.4
RBC 4.3 2.64 2.45 2.74 2.72
HGB 13.9 8.3 7.8 8.7 8.8
PLT 130 11 21 17 19

I hope this finds you all well!

Menchie and Ted

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