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November 20, 2006 , Day 34


Good evening! Now that I got a lot of sleep, I am awake all night! Yeah!!! I need to get over the jet lag I am suffering from. All this racing around. Anyway, this morning found me feeling better, although sleepy. My mouth felt better and I am told that my lips are healed. Now I need to get my mouth better and I will be as good as gold! Menchie and I went for a 1 lap walk today, with no assistance. Just Menchie and I promenading around the ward. They gave me a Bactrim pill to swallow today. This pill is about an inch long and half an inch wide and I was a little incredulous, but I tried anyway. I put it in my mouth and immediately lost it. I couldn't feel it in my mouth and couldn't manipulate it with my tongue. I discovered however that it was dissolving, so I just sucked on it until it was smaller and then swallowed it. That worked. Tonight I got it down whole. They didn't do the biopsy or echocardiogram today. They were too busy. Maybe tomorrow. Whenever.

My brother called and invited me over for thanksgiving dinner. I told him I would send Menchie there and represent the family here at the hospital myself. I thought about asking if he wanted one of the dogs to help with all the food, but I figured they had enough. I tried to watch the football game tonight, but the hospital is not paying it's cable bill or something and it wasn't on. Oh well, no great loss really, I just took a nap anyway which is probably what I would have done if the game was on.

For dinner tonight I had the well known delicacy, pureed chicken noodle soup with a side order of beef broth! MMMMM. I still would like my mouth to heal. As I indicated above, my mouth is a little numb. My tongue is a little stiff. I can't lick my lips. It is a little weird to not be able to. In addition, it was weird to drop a pill in my mouth and have it effectively disappear. Now that my lips are better, I am pulling for getting my mouth healed so I can do normal things with my mouth. Don't know how I can start working on that, but I will do what I can.

Blood levels continue to float in the same area. Hopefully as my mouth heals, the platelets will make some sustainable gains. Right now, I think I am using them all up. I would like to see them above 50 at least.

Lab Results

Blood Cell Type

Normal Low





WBC 4.5 5.1 6.1 5.8 6.7
RBC 4.3 2.87 2.89 2.82 2.89
HGB 13.9 9.5 9.8 9.4 9.7
PLT 130 28 23 19 22

Have a great week!!

Ted and Menchie

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