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December 1, 2003, DAY #34


We have been busy again. My parents arrived late Friday, and we have been showing them around the neighborhood. I am continuing to get out more. We went to Ontario Mills today and walked around the mall. I guess it was about 1.1 miles. I am really tired! Things are going well at the doctor's office today. They were going to do another bone marrow biopsy today, but decided to just do a blood analysis Thursday, instead. I have developed a mild rash on my arms and chest. It doesn't itch or bother me at all. The doctor seemed pleased that my body is finally showing that it recognizes my brother is not me. Before the transplant, they told me that people who get a mild case of GVH usually do better in the long run. It appears that this is what I am showing now. They are going to keep an eye on it. The bland food diet continues to sit will, and my system seems to be recovering nicely from the chemo and the spicy foods. My next update will be on Thursday, but Menchie and I will also be sending a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow.

On the medical front, lots going on. My magnesium is getting a little low, in spite of my efforts to eat high magnesium foods. The doctor prescribed magnesium pills today. Cyclosporine makes it harder for your body to retain magnesium. I will be getting IV fluids over night tonight and tomorrow night, and I think I convinced the doctor that we didn't need that any more. Platelets have recovered nicely, and the RBC and HGB have also come on strong.

Lab Results

Blood Cell Type

Normal Low





WBC 4.5 6.3 6.4 5.5 8.4
RBC 4.20 3.27 3.46 3.41 3.59
HGB 13.9 10.2 11.7 11.5 12.4
PLT 130 178 118 88 160

Have a great week!!!


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