Calendars , home

August 17, 2003


I am back in the hospital for the night. I am in the middle of my third dose of chemotherapy. Things seem to be going smoothly. I slept well last night at home, and had a relaxing day. My parents took us out to dinner, then I spent the afternoon resting. Chemotherapy seems to be pretty tiring. Not much else to report today.

On the medical front, there are no changes. The only pre-chemo medicine I am taking is a nausea prevention drug. My fourth dose of chemotherapy will be at 0600 tomorrow, then I go home again. I come back for the fifth and sixth doses on Tuesday afternoon, finishing that up on Wednesday morning. That will be the end of chemo for this session. Then we wait for my immune system to die and recover again like I did before. Hopefully without so much excitement at the nadir.

Lab Results

Blood Cell Type

Normal Low




WBC 4.5 nr 3.5 4.0
RBC 4.30 nr 3.22 3.19
HGB 13.9 nr 10.8 10.8
PLT 130 nr 119 215

Take Care!


Calendars , home